Showing posts with label kitty cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitty cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Hi peeps! 

This is my giveaway package!
Welcome fellow travellers, to my stop on the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway train!!! Thanks for coming to my little blog, Quilt, sew Happy!  ;-)

For those of you who don't know, the Sew Mama Sew blog hosts a semi-annual(May and December) giveaway spree each year and that means there is lots of swag to be won!!! Woo-hoo!!! 

The Sew Mama Sew blog allows us blog writers to post a photo of what we are giving away as well as a link to our blog, on their website. This helps all sorts of new people to get to know different blogs and hopefully the participating blogs will gain new followers…so it's a win-win situation for everyone! 

We can choose to offer quilting/crafting supplies(like me) and/or a homemade item like a quilted pouch or mug rug. There is a USA-only mailing section, for those who prefer to mail the winnings to USA addresses only, and an International section…which is where I am, as I am a Canadian blogger! 

I have won a few prizes offered by several individuals over the last few years, and this is the first time I am offering a prize! I hope you'll agree, it's a goodie!

This is my one and only award-winning quilt, called "Kitty-Cat Chat"; I won a third prize ribbon at our local fair! I bought the cute cat print while on vacation visiting an Aunt and Uncle.

I thought you might like to get to know a little about me: 

I am a late-40's Christian wife and mother who loves to quilt, cook, and go thrifting/garage-saling for vintage finds. We live in a small town about an hour east of Vancouver, BC and have 2 sons, aged 24 and 16. The eldest is going to University in Eastern Canada and my youngest is enjoying having his first job!

I have been blogging for just under a year(my 1st blog-iversary is May 17th!); I've made more than a few beginner mistakes! Eek! Would you believe that I actually started this blog without owning a digital camera??? Ha ha ha!

Part of the over 4,000 x 1" hexies I made for a new quilt for my youngest son.

I am really enjoying getting to know the people that I come into e-contact with through this blog and have already held several giveaways(there might be another one coming on May 17!!…hint hint!)!

I guess you could say that my quilting style is Traditional-Modern. I love colour and have slowly begun to embrace solids, but my true love is scraps and scrappiness! I love all scraps equally; mine, from pen pals and scrap bags from thrift stores!

I like to make quick things, but am not deterred by a longer project. I have made so many quilts, including 6 full-sized ones for a women's shelter, but rarely photograph them(didn't have a camera). Everyone in my family and my in-laws have a bed-sized quilt that I made especially for them.

Wall-hanging I made with blocks from a block raffle at the Lions Gate Quilt Guild(I made the top right one). I got the little red sailboat buttons from a pen pal in France!

Come have a look around my blog! Under the various tabs you'll see I like vintage things, sharing recipes, thrifty tips and even have a few tutorials under my belt…yay! 

Last Wednesday, I started my very first quilt-a-long, with a block I designed, above. I'm so, so excited that one of my designs will actually be published, even though it is only being self-published!

Maison de Provence…the prints are so beautiful in person that it was hard to cut them up!

Here are part 1 and part 2 of my Country Village Quilt-A-Long, featuring the Maison de Provence fabric collection by Connecting Threads.  You can also find all the steps as they are posted under the QAL tab just below my blog name header.

So, without further ado, let's get to the giveaway!!!


*Just to remind you!*

This is what one lucky individual will win from me:

-half-yard of the pink/black floral fabric with gold accents that is the background of the above photo,
-2 spools of Essentials-brand thread by Connecting Threads(black &white),
-Olfa-brand rotary cutter(45 mm blade),
-pack of Olfa-brand replacement blades,
-6-pack of handy Craft Clips(I use these to hang orphan blocks up in my sewing room),
-mini screwdriver with a big, chunky handle,
-pair of metal thread snips.

…gee, I wouldn't mind winning a prize like that!!! Hee Hee Hee!

Here's the rules:

1. I am always very curious as to where my blog-readers are located(especially which country)…so, for your first entry, please tell me where you live, for ex: Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2. For a second entry, you can follow my blog via E-MAIL* or BLOGLOVIN' only and tell me how you do so. There is a follow-me window to enter your e-mail address and a follow by Bloglovin' button near the top right area of this blog, just below my profile blurb. 

-Those who follow my blog elsewhere(G+, Tw, FB etc.) must sign up to either above-mentioned method, to gain this second entry. 

*If you choose to follow me by e-mail, you will be sent a confirmation email from Feedburner(the e-mail sender). This is not spam. You must click on the link provided to activate you subscription to Quilt, sew Happy!, or you won't get my blog posts. I usually post only 2-3 times a week, so I won't be flooding your inbox!!!

(I know that most of you are here because of the SMS giveaway, but it would be great if you continue to be a follower of Quilt, sew Happy! even after the giveaway is over). ;-)

****2 entries ONLY per person, please****

This giveaway runs from Wednesday, May 6, 2015 to Sunday, May 10, 2015 at midnight, Pacific Time. My Hubs will choose a comment number as the winner on Monday, May 11, 2015. I will email you to let you know that you have won my prize and ask for your full name and snail-mail address.

***Please, please make sure I have a way to contact you, or you can't win. So many people are classified as a "no-reply blogger", which means there is no e-mail addy connected to their profile. If you are not sure, please include your email(I promise I will never use it, share it, sell it, whatever!!!). An easy way to type your email would be "your e-mail name (at) yahoo (dot) com", that way you shouldn't get anyone spamming your e-mail address.

Thanks for entering and good luck!

Sharing is caring!!!
Don't forget that I am happy to share with your friends…feel free to pin to Pinterest, post on Google+ and Facebook, and Tweet away! Just please play fair and make sure your posts link back to this blog. 

*If you mouse/hover over the top right corner of my photos, a red "Pin-it" button will show up and all you have to do is click it to be taken to Pinterest. There is also another red button right beside it for posting to Facebook and Twitter. Or, you could always use the little square grey buttons at the end of this post. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 

Quilty Huggs, 


PLEASE NOTE: This blog accepts forms of compensation such as, but not limited to; fabric/notions/patterns/books in exchange for a posted review and/or tutorial. All comments/critiques/opinions are completely my own and are not those of the provider. This blog may also contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of my links. Thanks so much!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A cuttin' machine!

Hi peeps!

Here's a close-up of my appliqué wall-hanging I shared a few days ago.

I was in a cutting mood yesterday, so I got out my trusty AccuQuilt Go Baby and the Econo die(love it, has 3 different shapes to cut on the same die) and went to work on this pile of scraps from my stash!

They were sent to me by my dear, dear friend L in Arizona. She is a prodigious quilter and sends me a big box of her beautiful scraps a couple times a year. I love that peacock fabric near the middle of the pile! 

It looks like my hubs' empty booze bottles have done a little photo bombing!!! *sorry*

I got out my old loaf pans to keep the unruly piles of cuts from falling off my ironing board. I use my cutter on my ironing board as it is easier on my back, and I can place the board in front of the balcony doors to keep cool. I got a bunch of  2.5" HSTs, 2.5" squares and 4.5" squares done. I will probably add the 2.5" squares to my hexie shoebox for the Kid's quilt. I am thinking that the HSTs would make a great border for the Paper Bag charity quilt!

Here's an old pillowcase full of my off-cuts. Once it is full, I will sew the opening shut and donate to a local kitty cat shelter, for use as a kitty bed.

I had a hankering to make a Paper Bag quilt! Do you know what that is? You put your cut squares in a paper bag and mix it all up. Then you close your eyes and choose the next squares to piece together. I will be piecing mine with Kona-snow as my alternate, making a checkerboard quilt for charity. I still have A LOT of squares to cut(thank you Go Baby!!! It's one of the best investments I have ever made for quilting tools, other than rotary cutting supplies). I kinda over-did it yesterday, so have to take a breather today.

This is my sweet baby, GRACIE. She has had a bit of a rough time. She was the runt of her pack and never quite learned how to cover her litter box additions. She was two years old before she learned how to meow!!! She recently had a nasty infection and I really thought we were going to lose her, but she pulled through. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

I couldn't find GEORGE at the time of this post, so look forward to seeing a picture of him sometime soon.

It is such a beautiful day today, I think I will go outside and read a quilt mag in the shade!

Have a super day and thanks so much for reading!


Friday, May 30, 2014

A new addition...

Hi all! 
I'd like to welcome my new followers! Feel free to share with your friends.

Soooo….guess what the UPS lady brought me last night??? Woo-hoo!!!! My purple camera has arrived!!! I have finally joined the 21st century! 
Thanks, hubs!

Now I can show you a few things…

This is my shoe box, get it? S.H.O.E. B.O.X. (*wink*). This is where I keep my pre-cut fabric for hexies.

 This is a view of what's inside.

These are my new quilting and embroidery books that my guys gave me for Mother's Day! Aren't I spoiled???

Last night before bed I decided to do a little rummaging through my fat quarters. I wanted to pick 2 coordinating ones to make the quilted fabric box mentioned the other day. Found them and then started playing in my huge glass button jar(it used to be a Biscotti jar, I love to re-purpose!)…well, the hubs gets out of bed and comes roaring into my sewing room, hollering "do you know how loud you are being?". It never occurred to me that my mindless fondling of all and sundry buttons was irritating the poor man! What could I do? I had to find some matching buttons, and yes, I did have to do it at that moment! He was not amused….

This is sneak preview #1 of the giant hexie quilt. Little blurry I know, I must learn to not breathe when I take pics!

This is sneak preview #2 of the giant hexie quilt! I love those blocks with the kitty cat faces and the one with the cactus.

Had my appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday. Turns out I have 'early' Arthritis in my knee and nothing can be done about it, surgery-wise. He gave me a physiotherapy exercise to do and told me to lose weight. Not so helpful, but I will do the exercise and cut back on the sweets. Groan…

The kid got called back for a second interview at the cinema, so he is quite excited and so are we!

It is a beautiful day, so I am going to have the hubs unearth my lounger and have a rest under the tree with my new quilting books.

Has anyone got any new books lately? I'd love to hear about them!

Thanks for reading and have a great one,