Friday, May 22, 2015

Follow-Up Friday: More Of My Quilts and Are You My Giveaway Winner?

Hi peeps! 

My Hubs named this one "Mountain Dew & Grape Crush"!
I though I would continue on with showing you some of my quilts(the ones that I own-most of my big quilts were gifts and never got photographed as I didn't have a digital camera then).

This one is completely hand-pieced, including adding the borders. I was also experimenting with a high-loft polyester batting(ewww!!). As you can see, I had a bit of trouble machine-quilting the poly batting-things kept on shifting…grr! 

This was the last time I used poly for anything!


When the Lion's Gate Quilting Guild(North Vancouver, BC) holds it's biannual quilt show, there is an interactive display where anyone can give hand-quilting a try. 

A guild member makes the quilt top and it gets put in a large, standing quilt hoop. Then throughout the day, different guild members would stay and give pointers on hand-quilting techniques to anyone who was curious and wanted to try their hand at it(there were a lot of men and kids keen to try!).

The partially-quilted quilt is then raffled-off…and one year I won it(above)! I finished all of the hand-quilting, then scoured my substantial stash; looking for the right binding fabric. I think the greyish-blue I chose fits in very well.

Now to the giveaway winner!

I asked my Hubs to choose a random number between 1-119(the number of comments) and he chose:

#112 Sheila, who wrote:
Congratulations on your blogaversary . I follow your blog via email .thanks for the chance.
Sheila-look for an e-mail from Quilt, sew Happy! in your inbox!!!
Thanks so much to everybody who entered my 1st Year Blogiversary Giveaway and who signed-on to follow my blog! Stay tuned-there are more fun things on the way!*
*A big THANK YOU to Connecting Threads for supplying this great prize!

Craftsy is Having a Big Long-Weekend Sale!!!

Nothing beats a long weekend...except for a long weekend full of crafting fun! Get everything you need for a creative “stay-cation” with Craftsy’s Memorial Day Sale. Enjoy up to 70% off all kits, fabric and yarn, up to 60% off sewing project kits and up to 40% off art, paper craft and cake decorating supplies. You’re sure to snag the items you’ve been eyeing at major savings. 

The sale runs from 5/21/15 through 5/25/15 @11:59pm MT!*

*If you are not already a member of Craftsy, you will have to join and create a basic profile of yourself. This is free and takes mere minutes and then you can shop your buns off! Hee Hee Hee…get it? You are sitting on your buns when you are internet shopping!!!

Remember a few months back when I was drooling about the RJR Letters Home Tea and Biscuit Table Runner(above)? Well, I can finally get it! It is now priced at $28.61(CA$)-about $24.00 US$*. That's 45% off the regular price! Yay!!!
*Sorry about the CA$ to US$ price conversion…all of my Craftsy prices show in Canadian dollars only.

Sharing is caring!!!
Don't forget that I am happy to share with your friends…feel free to pin to Pinterest, post on Google+ and Facebook, and Tweet away! Just please play fair and make sure your posts link back to this blog. 
*If you mouse/hover over the top right corner of my photos, a red "Pin-it" button will show up and all you have to do is click it to be taken to Pinterest. There is also another red button right beside it for posting to Facebook and Twitter. Or, you could always use the little square grey buttons at the end of this post. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 

Quilty Huggs, 


PLEASE NOTE: This blog accepts forms of compensation such as, but not limited to; fabric/notions/patterns/books in exchange for a posted review and/or tutorial. All comments/critiques/opinions are completely my own and are not those of the provider. This blog may also contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of my links. Thanks so much!


  1. I have never handpieced a quilt , great job and the blue and white quilt is great ! Thanks for choosing my name to win the bundle , I am thrilled . Thanks :-)

  2. Great projects.I vengan quilting handpiecing and nos Can't live without my cútter,mat and machine but still handquilting and enjoying with hexies.
    Congrats to the winner !!
    Have a fun weekend.

  3. Interactive hand quilting... what a wonderful thing to set up for a show Jacqueline! And you finished it up very nicely too. Congratulations to Sheila!
    We didn't have much of a choice in batting back then, at least not like we do nowadays.


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Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment, you make my day! Kind comments are always welcomed and appreciated. While I do read each and every comment, I may not always be able to reply.